Friday, November 25, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 8: Friday, 11/25/11

"Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone."-Neale Donald Walsch-

Here's the thing about my life.  It's easy to be comfortable.  So hard sometimes to move out of that space that feels good or that space that is familiar.  And so on Day 8, I decide that whenever I'm feeling the smallest hint of comfort in class, I will take the opportunity to move out of that space.

The thing about a Daily Yoga Practice is that it forces you to start to see life differently. It's made certain things very clear to me.  One of the benefits of yoga is that I clears away many of the things and feelings that are not true to who you authentically are.  I've been able to hear my true inner voice more clearly because I'm in a space that I can listen. Without distraction.  Funny how the answers are there if you just can be in a place where you are open to listening.

The first level of placing myself in discomfort in class is that I try to practice in the hottest space in the room.  It really does force me to have to "fight" a lot harder in a class.  The second level of discomfort for me today was to really push every posture to a place that was out of my comfort zone.  So much work!

But here's the thing.  We are all always capable of so much more that we imagine.  And all this time in the hot yoga room is taking me to places both physically and spiritually that I didn't know were possible for me.  Connecting to self or our center is so vital.  It's been hard for me to do that over the last few years because I had convinced myself that I didn't have the time.  Today I now choose that time and choosing that time has made all the difference in the world to me in only 8 short days.

Every minute of every day is an opportunity for me to choose differently and to experience life in a more meaningful way.  A way that pushes me past my self inflicted set point.  A way that moves me out of my comfort zone.  A way that moves me closer to the life I truly desire.

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