Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 12: Tuesday, 11/29/11

Day 12 was almost the day that didn't happen!  The odds were kind of stacked against me. 4 hours sleep last night.  No nap today.  8 class Tuesday.  Where the hell was yoga going to fit into my day?  Thankfully, there always is something special about Tuesdays. If you're going to teach 8 classes in a day, then these would be the ones to teach.  From start to finish on Tuesdays, it's always an incredible day.  But then there was a problem.

Done teaching at 8pm at Rockefeller Center EQUINOX.  8:30pm Bikram class at the 72nd street upper west side studio.  Rain.  No cab in site.  20 minutes to get to class.  Not making Day #12 NOT an option...so I jump on the bus.  And somehow miraculously I make it to the 8:30pm class.

You would think with all that drama that class would be a chore.  But...the previous 11 days actually start to pay off as my body knows what to do and does it beautifully and efficiently.  Maybe I'm delirious from the 105 degree heat in the studio, but my focus is the best it's been so far.  Hard work still, but starting to see the payoffs.

To think that I almost missed this class.  But I know myself well enough to know that I would have found a way to get here tonight.  You see the thing is this. The most important promises to keep are the promises that you make to yourself.  Letting yourself down should never be an option.  Sometimes it takes some creativity to make it happen.  But when you make it happen, the reward is always so sweet!

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