Friday, November 18, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 1: Friday, 11/18/11

The first day of anything is both easy and hard.  As I discovered today, the hard part is finding the time in my schedule to do anything daily let alone yoga. I had done this challenge before in 2004 but really out of necessity. My mom had just passed away and the yoga kept me together both emotionally and physically.  It was my safe place for 43 days in a row.  I learned many truly amazing things in those 43 days.  Since then, I have been in and out of Bikram Yoga.  I guess you could say that I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the practice but the sameness of the 26 sequences ends up boring me invariably.  But, I can't deny that the contentment I found in those 43 days was something special;  Something that I need at this particular moment in my life.

I ended up at a 7:30pm class tonight and one of the few open spaces when I arrived was next to Patrick, one of the Bikram instructors.  Patrick and I did the 30 Day Challenge together all those years ago, so it really was special and coincidental  to practice next to him tonight.  And so it begins...Day 1 done.  In the beginning of class, the instructor mentioned one of the students was on his 134th day of Bikram Yoga!!!  Makes 30 days seem like a breeze.

That's the easy part...the first day of any challenge.  Hard to get started, but so easy if you can do it one day at a time!

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