Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 10, Sunday, 11/27/11

Here's the thing.  When you are doing anything for the long haul, I find it's so much easier to break it up into smaller pieces. A long term goal can seem overwhelming.  But, smaller goals will give you a greater sense of achievement and keep you more focused and more excited about the whole process.

And so today, at Day# 10, I am 1/3 of the way through the Challenge!!!  Habits are interesting.  We know all too well how to develop a bad habit.  Good habits can be a bit more challenging.  Once you get into a rhythm though, things start to automatically become habitual.  So I semi eagerly trot off to class.

If you've ever been to a Bikram Yoga class, there is almost always two things happening that you cannot control.  Hirsute, shirtless men with stomachs hanging from their shorts and sick people blowing their noses endlessly through class. Both were again going on tonight (and class hadn't even started yet), but then the Hottie from yesterday's class came in and set up his mat in front of me.  This class was starting to instantly pick up! The Hottie is interesting in that he never brings any water to class and has the focus of someone who has been practicing yoga all his life.  If this is the body one gets from doing this every day, I'm definitely in!

For the second time, my least favorite instructor is subbing class so I know that unless I concentrate on myself, and the Hottie, the 90 minutes will feel endless.  It doesn't help that half way through class the guy next to me is blowing his nose into his hand (EWWWWW!!!) and finally I lose it and hand toss him a box of tissues.  Seriously??????????  BREATHE, BREATHE breathe, breathe....

This instructor does nothing to help my practice and everything to get in the way of it.  Too much talking.  Saying the wrong things. I do feel for her, because the hardest thing about being an instructor is sometimes getting out of our own way and letting the class happen. I fall short of that myself at times.  And being on the receiving end of it is no fun.  I'm miserable in this class but am getting a fast lesson on the things that I as an instructor need to work on.

And that's the thing about life.  There is always a lesson in every situation.  Many times we have to suffer to get to that truth.  Many things do not come easily.  The answers aren't always apparent.   What makes us uncomfortable invariably exists to reflect back our own behavior.  Note to self though.  I've got to learn how the Hottie has such razor sharp focus and no need for water when he practices.  Stay tuned!

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