Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 5: Tuesday, 11/22/11

Today was a challenge all right; A scheduling challenge.  Tuesdays is the one really hard day of my week.  8 classes! So exactly when was I going to fit a yoga class in?  It was either going to have to be yoga or a nap today.  So nap out and yoga in.  4pm class at Midtown location.  I got an extra bonus in  that Georgia was my instructor again.  Great way to start Day 5!

Already I notice that I'm feeling much different in my mind and in my body.  I'm calmer, less distracted, more focused, more alert.  The heat is still there but it's becoming like a welcome foe and sometimes friend.  The habit of coming every day for 5 days is starting to sink in and I find myself surrendering to the process.

The thing about yoga is that there are so many lessons to be learned on the mat.  For me...patience, letting go of control.  The list really goes on.  And so on Day 5, I'm starting to make the connection between the anxiety that I bring to class that plays out in my head and the anxiety that plays out in my head all day long.  I'm starting to understand that the way that I approach my yoga practice is the same way that I approach my life.

But for now, I'm really happy with myself.  Happy that I gave myself the gift of 90 minutes that was devoted entirely to the care of me today.  Happy to be happy!


  1. I have a question Loi. Thinking about taking a Bikram Yoga class the day before a 5k. Do you think it is a good idea?

  2. Hi Michele! I would hold off on the Bikram Yoga until after your 5k unless you have done Bikram the day before a race before. You never want to try new things the day before race day.
