There are some things that are within our control and many that are not. Yesterday was such an amazing start to my 30 days of hot yoga that I took it for granted on many levels. First, the teacher Kathryn was simply spectacular. An amazing presence, soothing voice, the ability to say exactly the right thing at the right time. Tremendously gifted individual.
It was my intention to make her class again today but opted for the 7pm class instead.When I walked into the studio tonight, I made another choice. Patrick, as you will recall from yesterday's blog, who was my 30 Day Challenge buddy in 2004 and who is now a Bikram Yoga instructor was such a pleasure to practice next to last night. Standing next to him simply elevates your practice. So when I walked into the studio and saw Patrick I should have set up court next to him but opted for a space on the other side of the studio instead.
Big mistake as I ended up next to obnoxious loud breathing guy who spent most of the class blowing his nose and coughing loudly! I'd like to think of myself as tremendously focused but in such close, hot quarters, this was no bueno. The instructor tonight kept blab, blab, blabbing about things that took too long to connect to a point and I found myself getting a headache just trying to listen to her while really just wanting to yell at the top of my lungs "Shut the F*** up!" Obviously on Day 2, I have not yet learned the yogic art of patience, no judgement and real focus. Just as I thought that I could not take any more I heard her say to me "Loi you need to make sure your foot is flat on the floor." "Which foot?" I asked. "Your left one" she said sweetly. OMG my left foot wasn't flat on the floor!!! I had been thinking as she was blabbing on that after years of on again/off again Bikram classes, my positioning on this one posture was always off and I didn't quite know why. And just like that she fixed something that no one else had ever noticed!
Which got me thinking. How often do I miss out on getting the lesson out of a situation because I either become a creature of comfort or habit or start to tune someone out because I think that what they are saying or doing has limited value. On Day 2, it's a great lesson to learn that out of the MORE challenging situation comes the biggest rewards and sometimes out of the mouth of the most unlikely source comes the most valuable information.
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