Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge--Day 15: Friday, 12/2/11

How long does it take to form a habit?  They say anywhere from 21-28 days.  So at Day 15, I am well on my way.  It feels really good to be at the half way point!!!

There an old Buddhist saying.  Something like "there's nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so." Or maybe that was Shakespeare?  It occurs to me today as I am in class for the 3rd time with my least favorite instructor that this is the Universe's way of teaching me tolerance, patience, and acceptance.  That works for about 15 minutes and then I'm back where I started.  I recognize though that I am a work in progress and this too will take time.  If I can conquer those three things on the mat, I know that it will open up areas in my personal life as well.

I still am somewhat amazed at how each class is a reflection of who I am and where I am. Neither good nor bad.  Just an observation.  No judgement.  Just self awareness.  An awareness of what things I need to work on.  Because the truth of the matter is that it is never about the other person.  The other person exists to show us a mirror of who we really are.  What pushes our buttons and why.  Questions for me to work on as The 30 Day Challenge continues...

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