Thursday, September 22, 2011


I don't think anyone really understands how hard it is for me to give up one of my classes.  Invariably, Life happens.  Movement happens.  Change happens.  I am always more than a little reluctant of letting go.  There are people in my classes that have been there for as long as 17 years!  That in itself is a testament to the longevity of the bonds that I have been able to forge with so many of you over the years.  I don't take for granted the space that many of you hold in your hearts for me and I treasure every moment of the times that we have been able to spend together.  The real joy of teaching for me is watching the progression that happens from day-to-day, month-to-month and year-to-year.  I am not a parent, but I do feel parental elation at seeing the growth that can happen, in and out of the classroom, if you let it.

I am committed though as I approach my 47th Birthday to really push the envelope in terms of my own growth and development.  This means that I too must Move more quickly.  Grow more quickly.  Change more quickly.  The sadness sits with me a little this week as I make the announcement that I a giving up 3 of my classes.  What really sits with me more than that is the absolute pure joy I have had with each and every one of you in those classes and how much our times together will always be remember.  I challenge you and I've challenge myself to embrace change and to appreciate the blessing of what you have in the moment.  Everything changes.  For the better I think.

And so is the mixed emotions for me this week of letting go as I embrace new challenges.  One of my students, Kathy Supove (an amazing musician), sent me the nicest email that expressed how happy she is that I am making space in my life for new things.  She also writes:  "It also gives us a Zen-like challenge: not only to appreciate and treasure what we've had (if it's even possible to do that more than we do already), but to make shifts in our own lives, now that we're left with what appears to us as a void".

Makes me tear up knowing that I have been this loved and appreciated.  Thank you! 

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