Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Probably the question I get the most often is "What do you eat?"  The truth of the matter is it does not really matter to you what I eat.  I don't hold any secrets about nutrition and healthy eating.  If you would like to work with someone on nutrition, then I would recommend a nutritionist.  I know for me, I keep it simple.  If it does not come from the earth, then I don't eat it but that probably is not something that would necessarily work for you.  We are prone to want to find shortcuts to everything and the real truth is that there is no shortcut to healthy eating or a balanced exercise program.  Most of us really know what it means to make healthy choices but we look outside of ourselves for a quick way to get in that bikini, or wedding dress or lose 10 pounds by the High School Reunion.  Which brings me to "Balance."  Is there a way for you to make peace with how you are eating and how much exercising you do?  Is there a way for you to find Balance in those two areas of your life?  I do know for me that when I am in Balance, everything else just flows effortlessly.  Balance does take some work...but let the work begin! 

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